
Meliea Intuitive Healing

Meliae Intuitive Healing is a modality of energy healing; which addresses ‘dis-ease’ in any party of the Body, Mind or Spirit. … Sometimes the energy flow gets stuck, creating a block, which if unaddressed, eventually absorbs into the Body, Mind or Spirit as dis-ease.

Meliea Intuitive Healing Overview

Meliae Intuitive Healing is a modality of energy healing; which addresses ‘dis-ease’ in any party of the Body, Mind or Spirit. During the hour long session, our Meliae Intuitive Healers channel healing energy through the hands to release all that no longer serves you.

Sometimes the energy flow gets stuck, creating a block, which if unaddressed, eventually absorbs into the Body, Mind or Spirit as dis-ease. Blocks occur because at some stage in our lives, perhaps as a child, we didn’t deal with an emotional hurt or trauma. Our Meliae Intuitive Healers gently find and clear these blockages.

Frequently Ask Questions

What is Meliae Intuitive healing used for?

People seek Meliae Intuititve Healing for a  for almost anything, but we commonly see it used for sleeping difficulties, jealousy or behavioural problems, bed wetting, anxiety, bullying and difficulties at school. Meliae Intuitive Healings also work to ease physical or relationship issues.

Why Choose Arwen Healing ?

Our Approach

Meliae Intuitive Healers work directly with the Healing Intelligence within the body to accelerate your natural healing processes. The Healing intelligence of the body understands the exact circumstances we endured to create our illnesses and emotional or relationship difficulties, thus it is ideally placed to ‘UNDO’  what we have previously created. Meliae is a natural extension of what your body can do by easing you into a healing mind-set of letting go and amplifying the brilliance that is you.